فیض احمد فیض 13 فروری 1911 میں پنجاب میں پیدا ہوئے۔ انگریزی اور عربی میں ایم اے کیا۔ امرت سر کالج میں لیکچرر کی حیثیت سے ملازمت کی۔9 مارچ 1951 میں پاکستان کے پہلے وزیر اعظم لیاقت علی خاں کی حکومت کا تختہ پلٹنے کی سازش (راولپنڈی سازش کیس) میں معاونت کے الزام...
Narrative: When we first learned English we associated the word that as an opposite to this. “that apple”, “that toy”, “that man”, anything that was not “this.” It indicated something or someone that was somewhat away from where you were. Simple, till now. But the...
When I first enrolled as a student in Zabaan, the name suggested Urdu to me, all the way. I did not even think any other Indian languages were taught at Zabaan. I was astonished to find out much later that Urdu was only a small part of the offerings of this amazing school.
The trilateral root ‘ha-fi-za’ in Arabic means to protect, preserve, guard or sustain. Hifz is the noun form of the root and it means ‘preservation’ or ‘protection’. In Hindi/Urdu we also use hifaazat (protection, safety) which is a...
Ka-ma-la, the Arabic trilateral root for ‘perfection’. Most Hindi/Urdu speakers are familiar with this root from usages like kamaal ka meaning ‘excellent, wonderful’ and ‘kamaal hai!’ which means ‘Great!’ but more often...