“…taught me not only Hindi but also Indian culture by directly guiding the people around me. In addition, I was helped many times in my life during my stay. I am grateful. Thank you very much.“
– Hayato, November 2020
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(Translated by Google) He taught me not only Hindi but also Indian culture by directly guiding the people around me. In addition, I was helped many times in my life during my stay. I am grateful. Thank you very much.
“If you have the opportunity to study a language in India, especially in Delhi, such as Hindi, Urdu, or English, I would recommend Zabaan!!!“
– 민선기, November 2020
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이때 Zabaan에서 힌디와 영어 수업을 들었습니다.
그 기간동안 함께 성장했던 시간들이 생각나서 리뷰남겨드립니다.
일단 Zabaan의 장점은 델리 시내의 다른 어학원 힌디 커리큘럼과 교재가 있다는 점입니다. 한국의 교육 현장 수준에 비교하면 이해가 안될 수 있지만 특히 힌디의 경우 인도의 오랜 역사에 따라 변화가 많아 국가가 운영하는 학교에서도 힌디의 정확한 커리큘럼이 없는 상황입니다.
그런점에서 첫 수업을 듣고 매우 만족스러웠습니다.
그리고 선생님들도 높은 교육 수준과 정확한 발음으로 교육을 진행함에 매우 만족 스러웠습니다.
그 중 특히 Juhi 선생님을 강추 드립니다. Juhi 선생님은 이화여대에서 교환학생으로 한국어를 안다는 부분이 좋았습니다.
특히 힌디를 배울때 가장 어려운 부분이 문법인데 이때 영어로 전달 받는 부분이 100% 이해가 되기 어려운 부분이 있었습니다.
그때 마다 Juhi선생님의 한국어가 도움이 많이 되었습니다
또 그 기간동안 어학공부 뿐 아니라 인도인 친구로서 그들의 생각과 문화를
체험할 수 있는 시간이 많았고,이런 경험들이 저의 인도 생활을 풍요롭게 만들어 줬던거 같습니다.
인도에서 특히 델리에서 힌디, 우르드, 또는 영어등 언어 학습을 할 기회가 있으시다면 Zabaan을 강추 드립니다!!!
(Translated by Google) I lived in India for 18 months as a company dispatch.
At this time, I took Hindi and English classes in Zabaan.
I remember the times I grew up with during that period and leave a review.
First of all, the advantage of Zabaan is that it has Hindi curriculum and textbooks at other language schools in Delhi city. Compared to the level of education in Korea, it may be incomprehensible, but especially in Hindi, due to the long history of India, there are so many changes that the state-run schools do not have an accurate curriculum of Hindi.
In that sense, I was very satisfied after taking my first class.
And the teachers were also very satisfied with the high level of education and accurate pronunciation.
Among them, I especially recommend Juhi. Mr. Juhi liked the part of knowing Korean as an exchange student at Ewha Womans University.
In particular, when learning Hindi, the most difficult part is grammar, but there was a part that was difficult to understand 100% in English.
At that time, Teacher Juhi’s Korean was very helpful.
Also, during that period, not only studying language, but also as an Indian friend,
I had a lot of time to experience, and it seems that these experiences enriched my life in India.
If you have the opportunity to study a language in India, especially in Delhi, such as Hindi, Urdu, or English, I would recommend Zabaan!!!
“For two years, I had Dhriti and Juhi teach me two hours each week. They talked, listened, read, and evenly watched, and also generously taught me about Indian life and culture, which Japanese people rarely have the chance to know. “
– Ken, November 2020
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(Translated by Google) For two years living in Delhi, I went to study Hindi every Saturday. Thanks to that, I couldn’t speak Hindi very much when I came to India, but by the time two years had passed, I managed to improve to the point where I could see Hindi English. The tuition fee is not cheap, but I think it is a reasonable price because we have a collection of professional teachers. For two years, I had Dhriti and Juhi teach me two hours each week. They talked, listened, read, and evenly watched, and also generously taught me about Indian life and culture, which Japanese people rarely have the chance to know. At first it was two hours once a week, but it was fun, so I increased it to four hours a week from the middle. It’s okay to spend 4 hours x 2 years on a precious weekend! It is the (sic) school
“I took classes at Zabaan for 4 weeks after studying Hindi on my own for ~2 years in the US. The improvement I got in my Hindi skill from Zabaan was HUGE; enough to significantly increase my score in the language test offered by my employer.“
– Will, November 2020
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I will never forget my time at Zabaan and cannot wait to go back!
“I took an intensive beginner Hindi course with Zabaan for a month in Delhi in 2019. The teachers were incredibly knowledgeable and dedicated. “
– Vivian, October 2020
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“ I have been a student at Zabaan for nearly 8 months. Going through a number of their programs has been a fantastic experience and has greatly improved my Hindi. I also must commend their competency demonstrated throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. “
– Robert, October 2020
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“Thanks to Zabaan’s online classes, I finally have an opportunity to learn Hindi properly. I have tried every other method: Teach Yourself Hindi, a personal tutor, learning from friends, Duolingo, Drops, and Rosetta Stone. None of these has even come close to my experience with Zabaan. The Zabaan teachers really know what they are doing.“
– Steven, September 2020
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Hindi instruction for foreign language speakers is difficult. It requires teaching (and reteaching) the Devanagari alphabet, pronunciation, minimal pairs, and other basics that my past teachers considered too boring to engage with. It requires an incredible amount of patience, as foreign language students like myself will struggle with pronunciation, listening, and even basic grammar comprehension for many months. It also requires that the teacher is both (a) able to use multiple teaching methods attuned to the different learning styles of multiple students and (b) reach into a deep knowledge of Hindi, Urdu, and Sanskrit to answer peculiar questions about the language that other Indic-language speakers are unlikely to ask.
Teachers at Zabaan have proven capable in all these skills. They make their classes interesting and engaging. The online classes mean I can continue my Hindi education with them regardless of which city or country I am currently in. This is the system of Hindi instruction I have been in search of for over a decade and I will happily recommend Zabaan to anyone I meet who wants to learn Hindi.
“I highly recommend the Hindi language courses at Zabaan! Yesterday I finished the Conversational Hindi course that was really useful and interesting!“
– Paola, September 2020
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“ The best part was the instructors who are well trained and highly knowledgable of the language. “
– Robert, January 2020
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“Both teachers were experts in Urdu language – from the most specific grammar minutiae to the most arcane literary vocabulary, and importantly, they were able to explain these issues in a way that I could easily understand.“
– Michael, January 2020
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“The classes were really great. The teacher was excellent.“
– Anuradha, January 2020
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“When I go to a place like Zabaan I know that I can ask any question about Hindi/Urdu and get an answer.”
– Vikram, December 2019
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“Zabaan offers rigorous, accessible, professional language instruction of the highest quality–and I say this as a college professor and full-time teacher myself.“
– Maya, November 2019
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“Ali explains things with such an ease that even a new language seems familiar!”
– Nivedita, May 2019
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“Ali’s love and passion for the language really comes through, which is inspiring for new learners like me.”
– Manik, May 2019
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“I have completed two Hindi intensives at Zabaan and I have to say that this school is amazing. The knowledge of Hindi grammar, sentence structure, script, tenses, etc. from every teacher is impeccable. They are truly grammartarians.”
– David, 7 May 2019
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“Having studied both Hindi and Urdu at Zabaan for over two years, I have nothing but praise for the hard work all the staff puts in to make learning interesting, inspiring and efficient.”
– Pia, 30 April 2019
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“Very professional centre, good teachers, lovely lunch provided, highly recommend.”
-Glorian, 9 April 2019
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“Intense, focused, and fun-filled is how I define the Teachers’ Training Program at Zabaan.”
– Ronica, 12 March 2019
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“The whole Zabaan team was informative, patient, easy to work with. Highly recommend!”
-Olivia, 10 February 2019
“In my experience, Zabaan stands out for its combination of teachers who know Hindi in depth but also have an incredibly profound and helpful meta-understanding of the language–things like grammar, syntax, and tone/context.”
-Thomas, 26 January 2019
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“I highly recommend their online classes”
– Shivina, 12 October 2018
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“Great language school conveniently near the metro.”
-Clare, 5 October 2018
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“For anyone who is enthusiastic about a language, this is the place to go to”
-Roanna, 24 September 2018
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“I have being doing lessons with Zabaan for around 8 years and I highly recommend the school.”
– Jessica, 24 September 2018
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“I’ve taken Hindi classes elsewhere in both India and the U.S., and Zabaan continues to be the best language instruction I’ve encountered!”
-Lauren, 23 September 2018
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I’ve taken private one on one classes with Zabaan while in Delhi, as well as online classes when I’m back in the United States. The instructors tailor our lessons to my needs and interests, making each lessons enjoyable and educational. For example, I needed to improve on my listening ability, so Ali and I worked for 6-plus weeks on improving my listening. I noticed real improvement in my ability to understand everyday Hindi conversations in Delhi. Neha and Dhriti helped me learn vocabulary for my research and the proper grammatical structures needed in order to use such concepts. Raza was always patient and encouraging in our conversation classes. I truly feel that they care about me as a student and are dedicated to helping me improve towards my goal of fluency in Hindi. The environment at Zabaan is one of an enthusiastic community of language learners from all over the world. Additionally, the online courses are a great way for me to continue practicing speaking and listening while I am not in India. I like that I can schedule the online courses as they fit with my schedule and availability. I’ve taken Hindi classes elsewhere in both India and the U.S., and Zabaan continues to be the best language instruction I’ve encountered!
“great grammar instruction, especially for beginners”
– Laura, 17 September 2018
“The course in urdu script was very well designed.”
– Sonam, 16 September 2018
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“This is my third week in New Delhi and I can already use simple colloquial language on the streets to express myself and avoid hassle.”
-James, 17 August 2018
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Secondly, I chose to learn Hindi because I wanted to give myself a challenge. After learning Italian and a little bit of French I realized that the European languages would have much in common with one another. To learn a language with a totally different alphabet and writing system would be much more difficult than learning another European language. This huge linguistic gap between Hindi and the languages which I already would give me a broader horizon of the world. Moreover, as I have a keen interest in linguistics, learning Hindi would give me more references to examine what I have learned in my linguistics courses.
At this moment I am in the middle of my courses and after looking back I think it really required a lot of effort to reach this stage. At the beginning the main difficulty was matching each Devanagari letter with its pronunciation. After having managed that, the next thing was to endow these sounds and letter combinations with meaning. At the point where I am right now, the main task is to consolidate different grammar rules and keep learning new words. I want to thank the Zabaan team for giving me positive pressure and enlightening guidance throughout the learning process. This is my third week in New Delhi and I can already use simple colloquial language on the streets to express myself and avoid hassle.
“Highly professional, perfectly organised and a very welcoming atmosphere.”
– Fabian, 9 August 2018
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“The school itself is a fun place, there’s a bit of an infectious love of language learning … and its very very close to a metro station!”
– David, 10 July 2018
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Three teachers shared the classes, and each was in their own way very sensitive to the task of teaching foundational Hindi from English, with enough of the kind of hooks/sidenotes/nods to complexity that keep you engaged.
The school itself is a fun place, there’s a bit of an infectious love of language learning … and its very very close to a metro station!
“Amazing facilities, amazing team of teachers, well designed courses and the meals are also quite good. “
-Federico, 8 April 2018
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“Excellent Hindi intensive language course.”
– Sebastian, 7 April 2018
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“This is a great language option for serious students and casual travelers.”
– Bryceson, 3 April 2018
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“The pace and the structure of the course is very well-planned and I was delighted to find that I had begun reading Urdu after only three classes. “
-Rasika, 25 March 2018
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“Teachers team is formed by professionals with a huge knowledge about the language and also specific skills that provide a complete experience to students.”
– Leela, 21 March 2018
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“The people at Zabaan are most helpful and my teacher is great!”
– Noortje, 16 March 2018
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“I particularly enjoyed my one-on-one lessons with the Hindi instructors here. All of the teachers are great and have a lot of tools to meet your individual language-learning needs/goals.”
-Sierra, 13 March 2018
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“I have been taking private lessons from them and very satisfied with it. Lessons are well organized and their explanation on grammar is very simple and clear to understand. They are very professional and careful. “
– Atsuko, 13 March 2018
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“I got trained in Sanskrit, Farsi, and Hindi at Zabaan, and my training in all three at the institute cemented my understanding of both the grammar and the usage.”
– Vipin, 9 March 2018
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“I am very satisfied with the quality of lessons and the services offered by staff.”
– 오민현, 27 February 2018
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I am very satisfied with the quality of lessons and the services offered by staff.
And I recently have met new Hindi teacher Prerna who is smart and passionate.
I believe she will help me to improve my Hindi skill.
I wish everyone could get a good result what they want at Zabaan.
“With Zabaan’s help, my understanding of Urdu grammar (and English grammar :P), vocabulary, conversation, and reading has dramatically improved. “
– Rob, 14 February 2018
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“It’s an absolute pleasure to be taught by someone who not only knows what he’s teaching, but loves teaching it as well.”
– Amit, 12 February 2018
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“I’ve used Zabaan twice now, once for Hindi tutoring for 2 years and again for a 3-week intensive Urdu course. I was very impressed both times. “
– Scott, 5 December 2017
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The instructors I’ve had have been amazing. Raza is a PhD in Urdu and Ali seems to know all the nuances of South Asian languages. Some teachers will tell you, “I don’t know why, but this sounds right to me.”–Raza and Ali know why it’s that way, and can explain it in such a way that I learned quickly.
If you’re looking for a good tutoring/learning experience, I highly recommend them.
“I was able to read and write Urdu after less than 4 classes thanks to his (Ali’s) methods, and I can’t thank him enough for all the progress I’ve done in the past six months.”
– Laurent, 16 November 2017
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The place offers a very stimulating environment for studying with a cosy homey atmosphere.
Ali is a fantastic teacher who easily transmits the fire of his passion for language to his students, he is both immensely erudite and very efficient as a teacher. I was able to read and write Urdu after less than 4 classes thanks to his methods, and I can’t thank him enough for all the progress I’ve done in the past six months.
“Their instruction of grammar and reading comprehension is on par with the instruction I received at my home institution, with the added benefit of allowing for far more opportunity to work on speaking and listening comprehension.”
– Reid, 11 August 2017
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Given my experience at Zabaan, including taking classes with nearly all of the Hindi/Urdu instructors, as well as in both group and private lessons, I must say that I highly recommend Zabaan. Their instruction of grammar and reading comprehension is on par with the instruction I received at my home institution, with the added benefit of allowing for far more opportunity to work on speaking and listening comprehension. They also allow you to tailor your focus, whether your learning objectives are to obtain proficiency for diplomacy, to read classic literature, or simply to gain the conversational skills beneficial to foreigners living in India.
I have never been one that is able to easily learn a foreign language, and the fact that the instructors at Zabaan truly are experts in the linguistic underpinnings of the languages they teach, has enabled them to provide explanations that have been of considerable benefit to my learning. They also show the student how the language is really used, as opposed to the formal/formulaic approach used at many universities that gloss over miner, yet significant conversational aspects of the language used by native speakers.
One additional benefit of Zabaan, is that for those studying Hindi, they provided the opportunity to integrate that study with learning how to read and write in the Nastaliq script utilized in Urdu.
While I would recommend Zabaan to all those learning or interested in learning South Asian languages, speaking from the perspective of a graduate student, in particular I would highly recommend Zabaan to those looking to improve on the language they have learned at their home institution. Zabaan will enable you to build confidence in utilizing the language in everyday life, of which is critical for working and/or conducting research in India.
“We studied intermediate Hindi with a focus on conversation and I can easily say I learnt more there in a month than I did in 2 years of university.”
– Kai, 22 June 2017
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P.s. they provide delicious, authentic homecooked Indian food!
“I was lucky to have my classes with Mr. Ali Taqi. He’s a very respectful and a humble man who has lots of passion towards knowledge, specially linguistics, which you’ll surely notice in his charismatic way of teaching. “
– Muteb, 1 March 2017
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I contacted them trough E-mail and they answered all my inquiries and requests in a fast and professional manner.
I bought a 30 hours package as I thought it would be more than enough to give me an idea about the basics of Urdu. Which I thought would be enough to satisfy some of my interest in the language before I continue my vacation travels.
I was lucky to have my classes with Mr. Ali Taqi. He’s a very respectful and a humble man who has lots of passion towards knowledge, specially linguistics, which you’ll surely notice in his charismatic way of teaching. The class environment was friendly, discussion-based, and I enjoyed every class so much that hours in class felt like minutes. I appreciated Mr. Ali’s professionalism, flexibility, helpfulness even beyond the institute walls, and of course his friendliness.
I finished my 30 hours, but Zabaan gave me more interest in learning Urdu. So, I bought more hours and extended my stay in Delhi. I was even planning to continue through online courses when I get back home.
My only regrets are that I didn’t know about Zabaan earlier, And that I couldn’t find the time to continue with online courses, as I started my graduation year in medical field following that vacation.
But I consider this and Mr. Ali’s encouraging words as my motivators to explore more of Urdu and possibly other languages once again, when opportunity arises. And that would be definitely through Zabaan, when possible.
“Enrolling into the 5-day course at the Ghalib Institute by Zabaan was my best decision ever.”
– Imaan Aziz, 12 January 2017
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It was amazing getting to be a part of the course, and to learn (Urdu and more) from Ali Taqi sir. I have successfully been able to learn reading and writing Urdu of the Nastaliq script. I discover myself uncovering much new knowledge each day as I read further and further.
“I have studied at many language institutes, and I can honestly say that my language skills progressed more quickly during my time at Zabaan than anywhere else.”
– Chloe Hauenstein, 4 January 2017
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Not only are the teachers very talented and knowledgable, but they are passionate about language learning and teaching, making it a pleasure to attend classes.They are patient, and want students to understand why they are using certain words and grammatical structures, rather than simply encouraging memorization. For this reason, I believe that what I learned at Zabaan has stayed with me longer than what I learned at other schools.
They are exceptional at tailoring the materials and curriculum to students’ levels and goals. I began with Urdu classes and wanted to work the Hindi script into my lessons, and they were more than happy to accommodate that. They strive to help students learn what will benefit them most in their travels and/or professions.
Zabaan is also flexible and helpful with scheduling, trying their best to make class timings work for students.
“The teachers I’ve taken private lessons with—Ali, Christoph, and Raza—are attentive to their students’ needs, deft at meeting them, and, perhaps most importantly, patient. They also bring to their instruction, even at the beginner’s level, a scholarly depth that not all language teachers possess.”
– Raymond Zhong, 26 December 2016
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“I took a bunch of Urdu classes with Ali at Zabaan, and in about 15 hours of classes I had gotten to a point where I could read certain literary texts (Premchand, for instance) without help. I think Ali really understands how language learning works and knows how to customize his lessons keeping in mind his students.”
– Paresh Chandra, 3 November 2016
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I also tried a couple of classes (on Skype) with their French teacher, who too turned out to be amazing, and was willing to tailor his classes to suit my needs.
I would recommend Zabaan to anyone looking to pick up a language in Delhi. I had very specific needs, but I know people who started learning a language there just for pleasure and had a great time. In fact I’m certain that at some point I’m going to return to them.
“The teachers are professional, knowledgeable and most important, patient.”
-Assa Doron, 1 Sep 2016
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“Raza is a good teacher and it is nice to have the entire class in Urdu.”
– Mubarik Arshad, 30 July 2016
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“Unlike other programs that teach the language in a “this is the way it is” type format, Zabaan focuses on the underlying grammatical reasons for why the language is structured the way it is. For a language that is so different form english (and includes concepts that are foreign to native english speakers), I have found that this provided much needed clarity, and has paid dividends later on in my Hindi studies.”
– Reid, 19 July 2016
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At the end of the 4 week group course, I walked away being able to read and write the Hindi (Devanagari) script, as well as engage in very basic conversation (survival Hindi). The course is based on the Teach Yourself Hindi text, and during the 4 weeks, approximately 1/2 of the book was covered. My remaining time at Zabaan was spent finishing the book, reviewing grammar, as well as reading short stories and news articles.
Zabaan is really only one of two languages schools in India offering comprehensive and reputable Hindi language instruction oriented for western students. The other being AIIS. The reason for this comes down to the caliber of instructors employed at Zabaan, of which consists of formally/university trained linguists that truly understand both Hindi and English grammar. Unlike other programs that teach the language in a “this is the way it is” type format, Zabaan focuses on the underlying grammatical reasons for why the language is structured the way it is. For a language that is so different form english (and includes concepts that are foreign to native english speakers), I have found that this provided much needed clarity, and has paid dividends later on in my Hindi studies.
Despite having intensively studied foreign languages at a top american university, the pace of Zabaan’s group course took getting use to. But it was manageable. This pace reflects the clientele of Zabaan, which tends to be a group of individuals seriously committed to language learning. Students included US Fulbright and FLAS Fellows, as well as diplomats, British journalists, graduate students, and US military personnel. The prices for private group lessons certainly reflect this western orientation. Though, if you can pair up with other students as I did, prices will be significantly reduced, and end up costing less than other programs in India.
In line with what a couple reviews have pointed out, Zabaan is not without its quirks. I tend to attribute this mainly to differences in culture. However, regarding language instruction, I have the utmost confidence in their ability to effectively teach Hindi, and for this reason, I recommend them for anyone seriously interested in studying Hindi.
“Almost one year has passed at Zabaan and my world has totally changed. I have started to speak in Hindi and Urdu in my daily life here.”
-Kaori Mizukami, 15 July 2016
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When I knocked on the door of Zabaan for the first time, I possessed an inferiority complex about learning foreign languages, especially about Hindi and Urdu: When I was in Japan, I had attended Hindi class for three and half years, and I had been practicing my Urdu by reading historical Urdu newspapers with a specialist’s help for three years, but I could not acquire a good command of Hindi or Urdu at all. So, even after I came to India, I used to talk to Indian people only in English and never used to use Hindi or Urdu I learned. I had been supposing that I was poor at Hindi and Urdu (and English also) because I was not serious, or that there were some defects in my brain, but as my Urdu class with Ali went on, my mind changed about this. I noticed that I had forgotten the joy of communication, which Ali reminded me of in the class.
Ali is like Lionel Logue, a character in my favorite movie “The King’s Speech”. In the story of that movie, the Duke of York, who was later to become King George VI, had been suffering from stammering and had been scared of making a speech. The Duke visited Lionel Logue, who is a unique speech therapist, and Lionel made the Duke recover his confidence. Like Lionel, Ali has talked with me on an equal footing, and removed my fear of using Urdu.
Ali’s way of teaching is very professional – it is logical, clear and quick. He chooses a task which is suited to the situation of a student, as if he were a good doctor who prescribes efficient medicines for a patient. One year ago, I was reviewing grammatical rules with a textbook, and nowadays, in addition to doing regular exercises, I summarize and memorize every main story of the textbook and recite it back to him. Additionally, I have kept a diary in Urdu for the past five months and Ali has gladly checked it in every class. He has welcomed and enjoyed every independent effort I have made in addition to the course work he assigns. This open attitude encourages me to take on further challenges.
Almost one year has passed at Zabaan and my world has totally changed. I have started to speak in Hindi and Urdu in my daily life here. When I would speak in English to Indian people, they would look tense, but now when I speak to them in Hindi and Urdu they are cheerful, which makes me both happy and surprised. Indian people and I have started to accept each other’s existence through talking in their language. I have started learn about the lives and histories of rickshaw drivers, shopkeepers, security guards, basically everyone I speak to.
I heartily thank Ali. I highly recommend Zabaan to all who are curious about learning foreign languages.
“Tutors at Zabaan have the commitment, resources and enthusiasm… Their depth of knowledge and ability to share it in an understandable way has been most helpful…. The quality of teaching continues to be exceptional and the positive philosophy that underpins the Institute very supportive. Zabaan is helping me attain my goal”
-Stephen Hubbard, 17 June 2016
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Before coming to India from Scotland I took Skype lessons with Zabaan and gained good experience of the materials and teaching methods used. The Institute is always reviewing available teaching materials, which I find helpful. Tuition has been consistent as I take small steps toward my goal of fluency in all three aspects of the Hindi language; reading, writing and speaking. Tutors at Zabaan have the commitment, resources and enthusiasm to help me reach this goal. Their depth of knowledge and ability to share it in an understandable way has been most helpful. Classes have been fun, challenging and always engaging. When I struggle in understanding some point of grammar or piece of text, tutors patiently make clear the points of difficulty, even if we have been over them many times before.
Initially, I took part in an intensive group for beginners and received a very good grounding in the basics of Hindi. Later, I continued with individual sessions at the Institute while getting general conversation practice in my daily life. My classes have been with different tutors … A mixture of reading, translation, grammar and conversation.. Having classes with different tutors has been especially helpful in understanding spoken Hindi.
Meeting and interacting with students from other cultures is another important aspect of Zabaan for me … A truly multicultural learning environment. Fees are moderate and offer extremely good value.
The quality of teaching continues to be exceptional and the positive philosophy that underpins the Institute very supportive. Zabaan is helping me attain my goal … बहुत बहुत घन्यवाद June 2016
“As someone who has fully experience d nearly every aspect of Zabaan, I can confidentl y say that you’ll get the best possible language learning experience here.”
-Christoph Dusenbery, 1 Dec 2015
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In addition to a rich language learning experience
As an impactful place of language learning and an inspiring community to become part of, I can’t recommend Zabaan highly enough.