Nestor’s cup

Nestor’s cup

  Νέστορος [εἰμὶ] εὔποτ[ον] ποτήριο[ν]· ὃς δ’ ἂν τοῦδε π[ίησι] ποτηρί[ου] αὐτίκα κῆνον ἵμερ[ος αἱρ]ήσει καλλιστ[εφάν]ου Ἀφροδίτης. “I am Nestor’s cup, good to drink from. Who happens to drink of this vessel, forthwith the desire of fair-crowned...

Amazons are A-mazons

The word amazon is of Greek origin and is not a really an exotic tribal name, but pure and simply a descriptive term. It consists of the privative prefix a- (as in a-theist) and the noun mazos meaning breast. It alludes to the popular belief that Amazons cut of their...