Hindi Urdu Flagship

Hindi Urdu Flagship

    In the age of the internet and global electronic communication mania it is very easy to find material on pretty much anything in a matter of two or three clicks or swipes. But everyone will probably agree that the quantity of the material and the ease with which...
Vowel gradation 101

Vowel gradation 101

  Just as colours exist in many-stepped gradations produced by the different capacities for light absorption possessed by different types of matter, so are the wavelengths of vowels shaped into tiers of light and shade by the high or low and front or back...
Vowel sandhi 101

Vowel sandhi 101

  This is the first in a series of 101 articles intended as a short introduction of the system of vowel combination called sandhi, which Hindi has, in a fossilised form, inherited from Sanskrit. Since the system is fossilised, i.e. does no longer produce new...